
™ - by Ad Handle

Image, message, confidence, success is waht the handle say's. Customize your entrance…

LOGOHandles, from AdHandle put your message in the hands of every customer before they enter the store. Stand out from the crowd. LOGOHandle illustrates to the customer your brand and message before they enter.

Our fixture is made of Anti-UV treated Acrylic and can be molded into just about any design.. The main body is a one piece design, providing elegant support and durability that will last as long as your previous handle. Plus, we offer multiple base models to accommodate existing locks or our new “Hide a Base” J-bar design. Our fixture affixes itself to the door in a traditional manner Compare ours to the competition and you will see that our quality and construction are #1.

When it comes to the actual LOGO…
Our system allows the customer to design the shape and interior message or symbol that is desired.
LOGOHandle Creation is as simple as uploading artwork, confirming the design and production. Handles take 4-6 weeks from draft stage and can be provided within a 3 week lead time after the initial mold is approved.

The overall effect is an aesthetically pleasing fixture that creates chain uniformity, promotes brand awareness, and makes a better handle for customers to use.

Call 214-630-1191 to place your order today!
Call 214-630-1191 to place your order today!

See It, Touch It, Buy It.

Site created and maintained by Synap Media
Copyright © AdHandle Group 2005. All Rights Reserved.